We use cookies strictly necessary for the operation of this website and the provision of requested functionalities. Such cookies remain enabled throughout your visit. Analytical cookies will be enabled and we will gather statistical data that help us analyze and understand how you interact with this website and improve your navigation experience, only if you consent thereto. By clicking “Accept” you consent to the use of analytical cookies; by clicking “Reject” or by continuing your navigation on this website without any selection, only strictly necessary cookies will be stored on your browser. Learn more about cookies in our Cookies Policy and click on the Cookies Settings to set and/or change your cookie preferences.
We use cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the browser of your computer or other Internet-connected devices to automatically collect information about your on-line visits. You can choose to allow or not some types of cookies which are not strictly necessary to make this website work properly. Click on each cookie category headings below to find out more about the cookies we use and to change our default settings where possible. Please remember to save your settings. Learn more about cookies in our Cookies Policy.
Strictly necessary cookies are the ones required for the website to function properly. They are set to enable basic functionalities you requested, set your privacy preferences, fill in forms or ensure security features of this website. Your consent is not required; these cookies are necessarily enabled as long as you navigate through the website. They do not collect any personal information. Strictly necessary cookies used in this website, their purpose and duration, as well as the Controller and the potential recipients of the data collected are included in the table below.
12 months
Purpose: This cookie saves the user’s preference for each cookie category and enables the functionality of the consent mechanism.
Data Controller: KG Law Firm
Recipients:IT Services Provider
11 months
Purpose: This cookie is necessary to store automatically strictly necessary cookies.
Data Controller: KG Law Firm
Recipients:IT Services Provider
11 months
Purpose: This cookie is necessary to store the user’s consent for optional cookies.
Data Controller: KG Law Firm
Recipients:IT Services Provider
12 months
Purpose: This cookie saves the user’s preference and ensures the caching (temporary storage) compatibility of the cookie.
Data Controller: KG Law Firm
Recipients:IT Services Provider
11 months
Purpose: This cookie is necessary to store the choice of the user to consent or not to the use of optional cookies, so that users revisiting the website will have their preferences remembered.
Data Controller: KG Law Firm
Recipients:IT Services Provider
Analytical or performance cookies help us understand how you interact with our website and measure its performance. The processing of the collected data provide us with statistical information on, inter alia, the number of visitors, the bounce rate, the visited webpages, the traffic sources, etc. Thus, we get to know which webpages are the most popular and understand your interests, so that we can improve the performance of the website and its content. We therefore use the Google Analytics Services provided by Google, which manages the cookies and the data collected on our behalf (i.e. masked IP addresses, device/browser identifiers, on-site activities, client and cookie identifiers) to provide us with relevant statistical reports. The activation of these cookies is optional and subject to your consent. You can choose to consent to their use by setting the button above on the option “Enabled”. At any time, you can withdraw your consent by resetting the button on the option “Disabled”. Analytical cookies used in this website upon your consent, their purpose and duration, as well as the Controller and the potential recipients of the data collected are included in the table below.
2 years
Purpose: This cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site’s analytics report. It distinguishes unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier.
Data Controller: KG Law Firm
Recipients: Google, IT Services Provider
1 minute
Purpose: This cookie is installed to restrain the request rate, limiting the amount of collected data on high traffic websites.
Data Controller: KG Law Firm
Recipients: Google, IT Services Provider
1 day
Purpose: This cookie is used to store information on how visitors use the website and helps in creating an analytics report on the performance of the website. This cookie collects data, including the number of the visitors, the source where their visit originated from and the webpages they visited.
Data Controller: KG Law Firm
Recipients: Google, IT Services Provider